Educational Support Departments » Library » FAQs


When is the library open? What time does it close?
Monday-Thursday 7:45am - 3:45pm
Friday 7:45am - 3:30pm 

How many books can be checked out at a time?
Five (5) books can be checked out at a time by each student.
The library will limit students who have a history of fees/fines/lost books on a case by case basis.

How long can I keep the books I check out?
Books are checked out for a 3 week period.
Where do I get a library pass?
No pass is needed before or after school or during lunch.
A written pass is required from a teacher for students coming from a class.

Can I use the computers?
Computers are available on a first-come basis before school and after school. During the school day, classes that are meeting in the library have first priority.  

Can I eat and/or drink in the library?
Food and drinks (including water) are not allowed in the library.